Verb to be

O Verbo “to be” (ser/estar) é o verbo mais conhecido da língua inglesa e um dos mais utilizados nesse idioma. Aprenda mais sobre suas variações e conjugações.

Verbo to be: um dos mais utilizados na língua inglesa

Verb is class of words, the semantic point of view, contain the action concepts, process or state. / Verbo é uma classe de palavras que, do ponto de vista semântico, contém as noções de ação, processo ou estado.

In English we have basically 4 verb tenses, which are: / Em inglês temos basicamente 4 tempos verbais, que são:

1- Simple Present / Presente simples

2- Countinuous Tenses/Progressive Tenses / Tempo contínuo/Tempo progressivo

3- Perfect Tenses/Perfect Simple Tenses / Tempos perfeitos/Tempos simples do perfeito

4- Perfect Continuos Tenses/ Perfect Progressive Tenses / Tempos perfeitos contínuos/Tempos perfeitos progressivos.

Verb to be

In English, the verb to be is the most simple and the first that you have to know to satart studying English, so let's talk about it! / Em inglês, o verbo to be (ser/estar em português) é o mais simples e o primeiro que você precisa conhecer ao começar a estudar inglês, então vamos falar sobre ele!

Like the other verbs as have, work, love, want etc, the verb to be can be conjugated in all verb tenses. This is a verb with many changes in its conjugation, it's important to you to pay attention to all the varieties of it to know where and when you should use them. / Nos demais verbos, como ter, trabalhar, amar, querer etc, o verbo to be (ser/estar) pode ser conjugado em todos os tempos verbais. Esse verbo possui muitas mudanças em sua conjugação, é importante que você se atente às variações que ele faz para saber onde e quando utilizá-las.

The simple structure of the verb to be consisting of three forms of the Present Tense: Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative. / A estrutura simples do verbo to be consiste em três formas do Presente: Afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.

Like in the chart bellow: / Como nos exemplos abaixo:

Present Tense / Presente




I am/I'm. / Eu sou/estou

I am not/ I'm not. / Eu não sou/estou

Am I? / Eu sou/estou?

You are/ You're. / Você é/está

You are not/ You aren't. / Você não é/está

Are you? / Você é/está?

He is/He's. / Ele é/está

He is not/ He isn't. / Ele não é/está

Is he? / Ele é/está?

She is/She's. / Ela é/está

She is not/ She isn't. / Ela não é/está

Is she? / Ela é/está?

It is/ It's./ Ele/ela é/está

It is not/ It isn't. / Ele/Ela não é/está

Is it? / Ele/Ela é/está?

We are/ We're. / Nós somos/estamos

We are not/ We aren't. / Nós não somos/ estamos

Are we? / Nós somos/estamos?

You are/You're. / Vocês são/estão

You are not/ You aren't. / Vocês não são/ estão

Are you? / Vocês são/estão?

They are/ They're. / Eles são/estão

They are not/ They aren't. / Eles não são/ estão

Are they? / Eles são/estão?

Examples: / Exemplos:

You are my best friend. / Você é minha melhor amiga.

I'm a new student here. / Eu sou nova aluna aqui.

He isn't felling good today. / Ele não está se sentindo bem hoje.

He is my brother. / Ele é meu irmão.

She isn't my mother. / Ela não é minha mãe.

Are they there? / Eles estão lá?

Are you Okay? / Você está bem?

Is it your book? / Este é o seu livro?

She is Amelie's sister. / Ela é irmã da Amelie.

We aren't happy with this school. / Nós não estamos felizes com essa escola.

Let's check the other verb tenses of the verb to be and its varieties. / Vamos checar os demais tempos verbais do verbo to be e suas variações.

Present continuous

I am being
you are being
he/she/it is being
we are being
you are being
they are being

Simple past

I was
you were
he/she/it was
we were
you were
they were

Past continuous

I was being
you were being
he/she/it was being
we were being
you were being
they were being

Present perfect

I have been
you have been
he/she/it has been
we have been
you have been
they have been


Present perfect continuous

I have been being
you have been being
he/she/it has been being
we have been being
you have been being
they have been being

Past perfect

I had been
you had been
he/she/it had been
we had been
you had been
they had been

Past perfect continuous

I had been being
you had been being
he/she/it had been being
we had been being
you had been being
they had been being


I will be
you will be
he/she/it will be
we will be
you will be
they will be


Future continuous

I will be being
you will be being
he/she/it will be being
we will be being
you will be being
they will be being

Future perfect

I will have been
you will have been
he/she/it will have been
we will have been
you will have been
they will have been

Future perfect continuous

I will have been being
you will have been being
he/she/it will have been being
we will have been being
you will have been being
they will have been being

Conditional present

I would be
you would be
he/she/it would be
we would be
you would be
they would be


Conditional perfect

I would have been
you would have been
he/she/it would have been
we would have been
you would have been
they would have been

Conditional present progressive

I would be being
you would be being
he/she/it would be being
we would be being
you would be being
they would be being

Conditional perfect progressive

I would have been being
you would have been being
he/she/it would have been being
we would have been being
you would have been being
they would have been being

Present subjunctive

I be
you be; beest
he/she/it be
we be
you be
they be


Past subjunctive

I were
you were
he/she/it were
we were
you were
they were

Past perfect subjunctive

I had been
you had been
he/she/it had been
we had been
you had been
they had been


You be
we Let´s be
you be

Present participle


Past participle


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